Friday, March 13, 2009

Struggling With Adwords.

Adwords, Adsense and keywords are all connected. In very many situations they are used for the same end result. The running of your online business very often is hugely dependent upon the correct use or application of your Adwords. In fact a good analogy is to say that Adwords are the fuel that drives your internet engine. If you use a mixture of fuel that is too weak then you motor will go slowly or stop. Equally a mix that is too rich will be expensive and burn out the engine.
Within the workings of the large search engines Adwords are what keeps the clicking running along. Your advertising and targeting of Adwords is crucial to the acquiring of customers. The good news is that most of the systems needed to seek out and use good Adwords are free. Google itself has wonderful tools to allow the amateur or experienced researcher to have access to the same tools.
Adwords is essentially a word given to mean keywords. And here again there are systems in place for keyword research. The research is necessary no matter which method of marketing you are using to earn your money out there.
The most common use of, or abuse of, Adwords is used by the PPC people targeting instant buyers. However it is equally important for the same research to be done in relation to Meta tags and other items necessary to the running of your business.
However adword campaigns themselves are what we are really talking about here. I am privileged to say that when I first started to learn how to do internet marketing the initial course that I purchased was fantastic. My grounding was so solid. It is important that you fully understand the intricate details involved in any adword marketing that you do. It makes no difference if you are targeting an obscure long tailed keyword, or diving headfirst into the tightly contested big markets. All adword research must be done carefully.
I have told this next story before, but here it is again as it is a great illustration. A friend of mine was busy with promoting a single product and his PPC click system was chugging along ok. But only getting about 3 clicks a day. However he was happy enough, and had even had two sales in a month and a half, which is just ok. So he decided to fiddle with it a bit. He kept his key adword the same, as that was hoe he had bid on it. However he changed the other wording, and within the next two days his clicks jumped to 600 a day. That is an increase of 200 times. Wow. By the way I forget as to how many sales he made, as this percentage would also have changed.
There are very many systems out there for sale on the market solely for the use of better adword income. If you feel the urge to pay for these I cannot stop you. But I do suggest that you teach yourself first. Then you start to earn some money. And then only start to spend the money from your profits. I am a believer in the idea that it pays to buy into every product that is either there as your opposition or there to help you. But please wait until you earn something first.
Good luck out there.

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